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Everything you need to know about Body Massage oils

Body Massage oils are an essential part of any message. It helps lubricate the skin and gives the masseuse a better surface to work with. A good body massage oil is one that is light and fragrant, and one which allows for a smooth glide across your skin.

Body massage oils also nourish your body and add a glow to your look. You can also use them along with any essential oils as a “carrier” oil.

Your massage experience can be enhanced ten-fold if you use a high-quality body massage oil. Moreover, there is also the matter of selecting the best body massage oil best suited for you. It can be overwhelming to look at all the varied options out there, which is why we bring you this guide! Let’s get started.

Looking for the perfect Massage oil? We've got the perfect one for you! Click Here.

What are body massage oils?

Body Massage oils are an essential part of any message. It helps lubricate the skin and gives the masseuse a better surface to work with. A good body massage oil is one that is light and fragrant, and one which allows for a smooth glide across your skin. Body massage oils also nourish your body and add a glow to your look. You can also use them along with any essential oils as a “carrier” oil.

How do you use body massage oil?

How to use Body massage oil

1. Warm your hands- Briefly rub your hands and palms together to warm them up quickly. Professional massage therapists often use this simple technique!

2. Make the perfect mix- If you are using commercial massage oil, you might be able to use it directly. However, if you are using any essential oil, make sure to mix it with the right carrier oils (in the right proportion!)

When using essential oils with carrier oils, the proportions usually range from a minimum of 1% (1% of essential oils and 99% of carrier oils) to 2% at the maximum. Never use a concentration higher than 0.25% when using essential oils on children.

3. Take a small portion of the massage oil and rub in soothing circles over the back or shoulders. It’s important to not rush through the massage. Over time, you will develop a technique or a massage routine which will make your experience even better.

Here are some techniques for a massage-

Back massage-

The person you are massaging should be lying face down on a supportive surface. Then, massage the back using long, fluid strokes; this technique is called effleurage. 

To massage the lower back, roll your knuckles up and down on either side of the spine with your hand in a loose fist. 

Head, Neck and Shoulders-

The person you are massaging should be lying face down or sitting in a chair. Then, using both hands (one on either side of the neck), move your fingers in circular motions, travelling down from the base of the skull, along the neck and out along the tops of the shoulders.

4. Let yourself relax-  After the massage, let your body absorb the nourishment from the oils. Sit back, relax, and let the magic happen!

Now that you have learnt quite a bit about massage oils, we hope that you are able to select the best one for yourself! No matter which option you pick, there are likely to be both positive and negative factors involved. You might need to opt for the trial-and-error method initially, but you are sure to find your perfect massage oil with a little experience!

What are the types of massage oils?

Almond oil is one of the most popular base oils for massages. It’s light and subtle fragrance absorbs quickly and doesn’t irritate your skin. The best part? You can find almond oil is almost any neighbouring store at a fairly reasonable price. A good option if you are trying out body massage oils for the first time.

Did you know that the human body can distinguish more than 10,000 different scents?

There are various types of massage oils available. If you are looking to buy one, consider factors such as fragrance,shelf-life, absorption time, health benefits, cost and availability.

The person you are massaging should be lying face down or sitting in a chair. Then, using both hands (one on either side of the neck), move your fingers in circular motions, travelling down from the base of the skull, along the neck and out along the tops of the shoulders.

In general, there are two types of massage oils 

How to use Body massage oil

  • Light base oils 

The base oil is extracted from plants, nuts, seeds or kernels.  Almond, coconut or sunflower are some common examples of base oils. During a massage therapy, base oils are added in a proportion of 99:1 with essential oils. 

  • Stronger essential oils

 Essential oils are highly concentrated and derived from fruits or plants. These bring in numerous health benefits, but they have to be used in dilute proportions. 

Most massage oils commercially available in the market are a combination of base and essential oils. 

Which are the best oils for Body massages and what are their benefits?

1. Sweet Almond Oil

How to use Body massage oil

Almond oil is one of the most popular base oils for massages. It’s light and subtle fragrance absorbs quickly and doesn’t irritate your skin. The best part? You can find almond oil is almost any neighbouring store at a fairly reasonable price. A good option if you are trying out body massage oils for the first time.

2. Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed oil doesn’t have any odour. Grapeseed oil has natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an excellent carrier oil and is best known for the glow that it leaves after the massage. The oil is also great for people with sensitive and ageing skin, as it does not produce any kind of allergic reaction. Grapeseed oil also has the ability to speed up the process of healing wounds.

3. Coconut oil

How to use Body massage oil

Coconut oil is the go-to for all-purpose oil in self-care. This oil is versatile in its use and can be used for the perfect time and massage. Coconut oil is the perfect option to use with a strong essential oil. It gets absorbed quickly, is light and non-greasy. It’s excellent for de-ageing, known for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It has vitamin E in addition to nutrients to hydrate your skin and provide that glowing look.

4. Sunflower oil

Sunflower is a common household kitchen item. It might be surprising to learn that it is also an excellent massage oil! Using sunflower oil can help in de-ageing your skin. It is also a good way to remove toxins from the skin surface. However, it doesn’t have a very long shelf life and it can turn rancid quickly.

5. Jojoba oil

 Jojoba oil is best used in short massage treatments. It gets absorbed very quickly, so a reapplication might be needed. This oil is odour free, light and has a long shelf life. It’s also non-greasy and won’t stain your sheets. Jojoba oil is also helpful in flushing out skin toxins.

6. Olive oil

How to use Body massage oil

Olive oil is well suited for a full body massage. It can take a while to be absorbed into your skin but it’s the perfect option to relax your muscles. Olive oil is known to relieve muscle pain, inflammation, spasms and aches. A massage with olive oil can also boost your metabolism and energy levels.

Things to know about massage oils  

1. You should always buy massage oil according to your skin type. You must also avoid a particular oil if you have any nut/seed allergies.

2. Cocoa and shea butter oils have a more grainy consistency. They are best used with a combination of other ointments, such as coconut oil or Vitamin E oil.

3. When looking for massage oil, you should learn to distinguish between low friction and high friction massage oils.

4. Low friction massages have softer and longer strokes. Low frictions are usually applied with the aim to enhance blood circulation and elasticity. Olive oil or cocoa butter are some oils which work well here.

5. High friction massages are best combined with light oils such as grapeseed or sunflower.

Friction is a massage technique used to increase circulation and release areas that are tight. Frictions are specific manipulations performed on the soft tissues in your body. A deep friction massage is applied to a specific tissue to treat injuries and acute pain.

How to use Body massage oil


Now that you have learnt quite a bit about massage oils, we hope that you are able to select the best one for yourself! No matter which option you pick, there are likely to be both positive and negative factors involved. You might need to opt for the trial-and-error method initially, but you are sure to find your perfect massage oil with a little experience!

Looking for a good massage oil? Try Magic Potion’s massage oil, available now with UrbanKanyaa. It’s perfectly blended and can be used directly for an application.


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