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7 Ways to Deal with the Coronavirus Stress

It’s a frightening time. We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, with cities and even entire countries shutting down. Some of us are in areas that have already been affected by the coronavirus. Others are bracing for what may come. And all of us are watching the headlines and wondering, “What is going to happen next?”. Today, we all are dealing with the stress of coronavirus.

For many people, the uncertainty surrounding coronavirus is the hardest thing to handle. We don’t know how exactly we’ll be impacted or how bad things might get. And that makes it all too easy to catastrophize and spiral out into overwhelming dread and panic. But there are many things you can do—even in the face of this unique crisis—to manage your anxiety and fears.

It’s a scary time. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, where each one of us is affected by coronavirus. Cities, even countries are shutting down while the news channels are getting grimmer every day.

The uncertainty that surrounds coronavirus is a very stressful thing to handle. We are uncertain about the future and that is uncomfortable to us on a human level. Today more than ever it is important to take care of yourself, to value yourself. 

Here are some tips on how you can deal with stress during Coronavirus

1) Stick to trustworthy sources

While knowing what is happening is important, there is a lot of paranoia that is surrounding the news sources. In such times, maybe you can skip on the daily prime time show and get your information from trustworthy sources like the CDC, the World Health Organization, or your local public health authorities.

If you feel overwhelmed with information, maybe take a few steps back and step away from the news channels and sources. 

2) Focus on the things you can control

Yes, things aren’t the way they usually are. You may feel caught up in fear about the future and what may happen next. We as creatures are wired to be scared of the unknown, so it is absolutely normal for you to feel this way. However, don't let the coronavirus stress keep you down. Focusing on what you can control will give you back your power. Try this, instead of focusing on the outbreak focus on what you will cook for dinner or maybe set a task to be completed today. For example 

you can challenge yourself to clean a drawer of your closet or bake a cake

You can also focus on the things you can do to be better prepared to fight what you fear. Reduce your own personal risk. 

For example, you can wash your hands frequently and use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. You can avoid touching your face and so much more. 

When you feel yourself getting caught up in fear of what might happen, try to shift your focus to things you can control.

For example, you can’t control how severe the coronavirus outbreak is in your city or town, but you can take steps to reduce your own personal risk (and the risk you’ll unknowingly spread it to others), such as:

  • washing your hands frequently (for at least 20 seconds) with soap and water or a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  • avoiding touching your face (particularly your eyes, nose, and mouth).

  • staying home as much as possible, even if you don’t feel sick.

  • avoiding crowds and gatherings of 10 or more people.

  • avoiding all non-essential shopping and travel.

  • keeping 6 feet of distance between yourself and others when out.

  • getting plenty of sleep, which helps support your immune system.

  • following all recommendations from health authorities.

3) Plan for what you can

  • The worst thing you can think will happen will happen so why not be prepared for it? 

  • Plans for the worst-case scenarios 

  • Also, plan for the best-case scenarios 

What truly helps us personally is to simply plan out the things that need to be completed before a certain time period. This keeps the entire team focused and doesn’t give us the chance to truly have our lives changed. 

Here is a personal tip! 

We wrote down a list of all the things that were supposed to be done then added how many days a certain task will take and then we divided the total number of days with the days until the deadline.

We did this after every lockdown extension announcement and it truly helped us stay on track and motivated. 

You can plan your personal way to do this but you must plan to keep yourself motivated because there will be days you won’t feel like it. 

4) Stay connected to people - Virtually

The obvious but not so obvious point. Humans are a social creature but during a crisis, a lot of us go into our shells and refrain from talking to people. This is not healthy in the long term. If you can, try to talk to one person a day, don’t lose touch with people. 

Think of it this way others might need your help too.

It will also help you get a different perspective on the situation than the one you already have. If you don’t stay in touch with a certain person during a pandemic I am not sure you really will talk to them post-pandemic. 

So keep your mind open and talk to people. This will help you pass time and relax too. 

5) Build Healthier Habits 

Fighting the coronavirus stress can be difficult but make a decision to come out of this situation better and stronger.

If you have extra time on your hands why not work on being the version of yourself that you always wanted to be? 

Why not work on getting that body you always wanted? Or workout because staying active helps you release anxiety, relieve stress and manage your mood. It will help you focus on making yourself healthier. 

Do you feel low because of coronavirus stress? You can sweat it out with online classes for yoga or Zumba classes you can even contact us at 9324221331.  

You can even try challenging yourself to a healthier diet or build up a better routine. Make a list of things that you’d like to achieve and the person you’d like to be!

6) Practice gratitude

Yes, this is an unfortunate situation however, we can still find something to be grateful about during this time. The people that we love continue to be safe and healthy. 

Many of us continue to be safe and healthy. For some, self-isolation means spending time with family that you might otherwise not have had.

You can change your thinking patterns and focus on better things.

You can voluntarily control what you think about. Isn’t that amazing?

If it's difficult to change your thought patterns then do things that truly make you happy. For example, you can read your favourite book, watch a comforting show or more!

In conclusion,

You may also feel grief over the loss of your normal routine. This can make it difficult to deal with the stress of coronavirus. This is a difficult change to adapt to but it is okay to feel this way. However, please know that you aren’t alone in this which means you can reach out to people and share this feeling with them.

During this stressful time it is important you take care of yourself and your well-being. This is something that each one of us has been affected by regardless of our colour, race or nationality. If we all work together we will definitely get through this. Let us all do our bit to be better people when the world is open to us again. 

Helpful Links

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Up to date information and public health guidelines from the CDC. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak – Find country guidance, tips for protecting yourself, and travel advice. (World Health Organization)

Coronavirus Resource Center – Get answers to many common questions about coronavirus, as well as links to other resources. (Harvard Health Publishing)

Coronavirus: Why We Touch our Face and How To Stop Doing It – Help for learning to stop touching your face. (Flexispot)

The Coronavirus Collection: Fact-Checking COVID-19 – Misinformation is spreading as fast as the virus. Find out what’s true and false here. (Snopes)


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